Research Portfolio:

  1. Foreign and security policies of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, with a particular emphasis on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

  2. Maritime security, maritime geoeconomics, port investments and overseas basing in the Middle East.

  3. Domestic defense industries in the Arabian Peninsula, their historical evolution, and their current challenges and opportunities.

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Think Tank & Magazine Publications

  1. More than a Mirage: UAE combat aircraft in China (International Institute for Strategic Studies, July 2024)

  2. Angola’s growing strategic significance for the UAE (International Institute for Strategic Studies, July 2024)

  3. The push to increase trade connectivity on the Arabian Peninsula (International Institute for Strategic Studies, May 2024)

  4. Securing the Seas: Examining Changing Saudi & Emirati Naval Capabilities (Gulf International Forum, April 2024)

  5. Contenders vie for Gulf’s growing UAV market (International Institute for Strategic Studies, April 2024)

  6. Defence Analysis Briefing: World Defense Show, Riyadh, KSA, February 2024 (International Institute for Strategic Studies, February 2024)

  7. UAE rethinks Combined Maritime Forces commitment, in The Military Balance 2024 (International Institute for Strategic Studies, February 2024)

  8. South Korea bets big on Middle East defence exports (International Institute for Strategic Studies, November 2023)

  9. DP World, Adani, and Port Politics (Middle East Institute - National University of Singapore, November 2023)

  10. UAE eyes regional edge on arms exports (International Institute for Strategic Studies, November 2023)

  11. Qatar Embarks on Major Naval Expansion (Arab Gulf States Institute, August 2023)

  12. Securing Maritime Data: The Battle Against China’s LOGINK in US and European Ports(Center for Maritime Strategy, July 2023)

  13. Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI): Fueling the Growth of Saudi Defense Industry (Gulf International Forum, July 2023)

  14. IDEX 2023: UAE’s Defense Contracts Emphasizes Local Production (Gulf International Forum, April 2023)

  15. A New Chapter for UAE Defense Procurement? (Arab Gulf States Institute, December 2022)

  16. Drones, AI, and Task Force 59: A Solution for the UAE Navy’s Lack of Manpower (Arab Gulf States Institute, June 2022)

  17. I also wrote for the Gulf States Newsletter (no bylines).

Conference Presentations

  1. EDGE and SAMI: A Comparison of the Gulf’s Defence Champions (Gulf Research Meeting, 2024, Cambridge University, UK)

  2. Drivers and Implications of the Naval Buildup in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar (Maritime Security Conference, 2024, Bahrain)

  3. In Pursuit Of Strategic Autonomy: Assessing Emirati, Saudi, and Qatari Efforts In The Defense Industrial Domain (Gulf Studies Symposium, 2024, Georgetown University, Washington DC)

  4. Securitizing the Indo-Pacific: Comparing Saudi and Emirati Security Cooperation Strategies (Gulf Research Meeting, 2022, Cambridge University, UK)

Media & Quotes

  1. The National: Angola critical minerals are key investment amid growing UAE ties (2024-09-10)

  2. L’Orient-Le Jour: La levée de l’embargo sur les armes, nouveau cadeau de Washington à Riyad (2024-08-20)

  3. Al Monitor: Saudi Arabia lures in Turkey’s defense giants as its military industry grows (2024-08-10)

  4. Mais Afrika: Angola: Emirados Árabes Reforçam Laços No País (2024-07-12)

  5. RTP Notícias: Emirados reforçam laços com Angola para aprofundar influência no continente (2024-07-12)

  6. Breaking Defense: UAE’s defense giant expands in Asia with new ammo production line in Indonesia (2024-05-15)

  7. Formiche: Ecco la competizione per l’export di droni nel Golfo analizzata dall’IISS (2024-04-20)

  8. Newsweek: The Houthis Are Making History in the Most Dangerous Way (2024-03-18)

  9. The Jerusalem Post / The Media Line: Why the world needs to understand the importance of the Red Sea (2024-03-14)

  10. The Jerusalem Post / The Media Line: As US-led Coalition Targets Houthis, India Bolsters Red Sea Security to Counter Piracy (2024-02-01)

  11. L’Orient-Le Jour: La mer Rouge, autre point brûlant du conflit à Gaza (2024-01-02)

  12. The National: Houthi rebels continue Red Sea attacks despite new US-led coalition (2023-12-24)

  13. L’Orient-Le Jour: Les dilemmes de la coalition internationale voulue par les États-Unis en mer Rouge (2023-12-14)

  14. Conservative Middle East Council: Daily Update (2023-11-15)

  15. Prisme Initiative: The Potential Drawbacks Associated with Domestic Military Manufacturing in the GCC Countries (2023-10-20)

  16. El Mercantil: EEUU reprende a España por comprar escáneres chinos para los puertos (2023-09-14)

  17. Arabian Gulf Business Insight: UAE and Saudi Arabia race to develop defence industries (2023-05-01)

  18. Defense Romania: IDEX 23 arată că Emiratele Arabe Unite își consolidează industria locală de apărare, însă continuă să depindă esențial de companiile străine (2023-04-21)

  19. AFP / France 24 / VOA / Ahram Online: Sanction-hit Russia displays combat-tested arms at UAE fair (2023-02-20)

  20. Formiche: Un porto in Sudan. Così gli Emirati puntano a dominare il Mar Rosso (2022-06-22)