
  • M.A. in Arab Studies, Georgetown University

  • B.A. in International Relations, University of Navarra

  • Modern Standard Arabic, Qasid Arabic Institute

  • Study Abroad

    • Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    • Catholic University of America

    • Tongji University


Fulbright Scholarship

Building Bridges Scholarship, Georgetown University

Winner: Nova 111 Student List

Spanish Society of Academic Excellence: No.1 in International


  • Datawrapper (Maps)

  • Flourish (Data Visualization)

  • STATA (Statistical Software)

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint…)

Relevant coursework

Military Analysis (Prof. Kenneth Pollack)

Militaries in the MENA (Prof. Noureddine Jebnoun)

Oil and Politics in the Gulf (Prof. Dania Thafer)

China in the MENA (Prof. Robert Mogielnicki)

Data Analytics for Regional Studies (Prof. Wael Moussa)

International Relations of the MENA (Prof. Michaël Tanchum)

& Languages

  • Arabic (Proficient)

  • English (Fluent)

  • Spanish (Native)

  • French (Fluent read, Intermediate speak, write, listen)

  • German (Intermediate read)

  • Catalan (Native)

Memberships & Networks

  • Gulf/2000 Network

  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA)

  • Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC)

  • Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP)

  • Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies (AGAPS)

  • Spanish Public Policy Network (SPPN)

  • Nova Talent

What I’m reading right now…

  • Qatar and the Gulf Crisis: A Study of Resilience, by Kristian Coates Ulrichsen

  • Asia's naval expansion: An arms race in the making?, by Geoffrey Till

Research Experience

  • Research Analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

  • Research Associate at the Gulf International Forum, a think tank based in Washington, DC.

  • Fulbright graduate researcher at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (Georgetown University), where I completed a master’s thesis incorporating fieldwork research under the supervision of Dr. Dania Thafer, Dr. Geoffrey Gresh, and Dr. Marwa Daoudy.

  • Research assistant for Prof. Michaël Tanchum, a fellow at the Middle East Institute (Washington, DC).

  • Researcher at the center for Global Affairs and Strategic Studies (University of Navarra).

Recently finished:

  • 25 Days To Aden: The Unknown Story of Arabian Elite Forces at War, by Michael Knights

  • Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology, by Chris Miller

  • New Military Strategies in the Gulf: The Mirage of Autonomy in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, by Jean-Loup Samaan

  • The World For Sale: Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources, by Javier Blas and Jack Farchy

  • Fleet Tactics and Naval Operations, by Wayne P. Hughes Jr. and Robert P. Girrier

Image attribution:

  1. Graduation cap: Credit.

  2. Books. Credit.

  3. Laurels. Credit: Scott Ward.

  4. Toolkit. Credit.

  5. Languages: Credit: Marcmiquel.

  6. Membership. Credit.